Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 219: It's been a slow week ... build-wise

Yep, that's right, nothing much happening here.  Well ... not to the speed that we want it to be.

Slowness' got nothing to do with my Site Manager, don't get me wrong.  He's doing the best he can to progress things as quickly as possible. I guess, building, is much like Aesop's Fable about the Tortoise and the Hare. You can go lightning fast, stop and look at the schedule, and thought you have some time to spare, then maybe rest a bit.  Or you can go slow and steady, nice and easy, and finish the job.

Anyway, much of what's happening is making things right inside - cornices, architraves, plastering, water-proofing, and cabinet installation.  Much of what's been outstanding the last time we met with our SM has been done.  Just a few doors, yet, to be hang, and the portico and under-balcony ceiling to be lined.

We check our "My Metricon" website every now and then, and as per what our SM had said in our last site meeting ...

Fixing is not yet completed, but I'm expecting to receive the Fixing Stage Completion Invoice by the end of next week.

It's going to be very hot outside today in sunny Melbourne (38degC).  Hope you all are keeping cool and sun-safe.  Have a good weekend all.

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